Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Busy Busy Week

I have been sewing up a storm around here lately. You should see the fabric and paint fly in my studio. But I have been having lots of fun dreaming up all of these new characters. These lovelies are on Ebay and in my WSOAPP market street shoppe this week. I hope you can go on over and have a peek.


Dianie said...

OMG,I love your work! I especially love the cat doll.
I love all the details you put into each doll:)
Thanks so much for sharing!


AwtemNymf said...

*faints* Everything is great. Ohhhh I love the pumpkins with hats! *squeee* I can see you HAVE been busy! You find such the neatest fabric. I must ask- where do you shop! I love it! Hugs!

pywackit said...

Thanks so much girls. I have been on a Halloween creating frenzy lately.

I get my fabrics all over. We have a couple of really nice little shops in my area that sell quilting fabrics, I order them online and what ever strikes my fancy from the Hobby Lobby and Joannes. I can't seem to pass by a pretty piece of fabric to save my life. LOL. My husband just rolls his eyes and accepts the inevitable.

PEA said...

OMG Cindy,
You have been a busy girl. I need to follow suit.
They are wonderful as always. One of these days I will get me one!