Friday, December 5, 2008

I won, I won, I won.

A big huge thank you to Sara of Graphic Pretties. I won the beautiful banner above from her blog drawing give away. You are the best Sara.


Old World Primitives said...

Congratulations! The banner is really pretty, I like it!
You also won an award on my blog. :)

Sara~Graphic Pretties said...

Oh, I'm so glad you like it!
Wouldn’t you love to be those little girls in the pic for a day?

albasworld said...

Hi Cindy!! Oh Congratulations! It is a beautiful banner and I am so happy that you won it. It's nice to have something new and fresh, isn't it?

Well hope you have a lovely weekend.

Hugs & smiles, alba

my tiny studio said...

I wanted to tell you that I nominated you for the Spreader Of Love Award If you would like you can go to my blog and copy and paste it to your blog

Cindy congrats on the win.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy,

I left you an award on my blog.
Check it out


Cookie said...

That is a true delight, winning anything from Sara! Her graphics are so wonderful - congratulations and also, thanks for the sweet blog award. I've been studying away for an insurance test I have to take and this was a wonderful and delightful deterrent! I love the Christmas season so I can put out so many of my favorite treasures, like your cage Snowgirl ♥
thank you again!
Merry Christmas, sweets.